Nov 29, 2009

Making k-rina

I was about to go out and for no apparent reason decided to do this. I'm bored. I really miss making videos and editing them ...


Anonymous said...

Wow! You look good!

Anonymous said...

Damn I wasn't first ;p Oh well !

BlackIce ~ .

Anonymous said...

Hey there yourself K-rina. What was that song? Is that in Spanish? I think I also heard French.

You're beautiful....and smart... that's a lot of jewelry, but it looks good.

Anonymous said...

You're more cute without makeup.

cti97 said...

the song is performed by Manu Chao and it's called "Me gustas tu" -

atheist K-rina FTW :)

Anonymous said...

me gusta k-rina

SocialHope said...

It's a "that lady"

Anonymous said...

aww Hun you look so cute,nice nails love'em:D
u know it<3
//a bella (iceysmoment)

Anonymous said...

we have this thing in the west called a smile, use it!

Anonymous said...

You are too sexy for the web!

Anonymous said...

You are so perfect. I wanna marry you ...

prolatrevol said...

Good video. The song though makes no senses. Gusta is only really used for objects. Me gustas tu isn't really proper spanish and is fairly broken. Gusta is more like enjoy in that statement.

Joe Skeptic said...

Hi. Love your youtube videos. I've posted a couple of them on my blog. Keep up the great work!

hotspur said...

Huh. If you had told me "Here's a video of a girl blow-drying her hair and putting on eye makeup, and it's kinda sexy," I would have called you crazy.

But here we are.

Anonymous said...

Where can I see this 'ants fap' video? That's really what I'm interested in.

Anonymous said...

So beautiful, inside and out. :D

Anonymous said...

Sigh. Be still my beating heart.

atfletchermac said...

any vid that you make that shows anything more than your face is great. why? because the creepy anon comments that follow are priceless... "here is my blog, and here is my YouTube page and here is my website, and here is some creepy advice for you, and here is...." good times, i laugh...

Forever DM said...

There is nothing wrong with creating for the sake of creating. Some might call it "artistic masturbation", I call it life ;)

zacuum said...

Yes the song is performed by Manu Chao, almost all in Spanish and some parts in French. "Me Gustas Tu"!!!

Anonymous said...

Cristina, Cristina, cu riscul de a te supara de doua ori zic asa: Martor mi-e Cerul ca tare-mi plac muierile! OK, ok, stiu ca te-am atins de doua ori (de fapt eu nu prea mai cred într-un cer, uneori doar, câteodata când vreau eu asa, iar muierile îmi plac, dar nu chiar sa uit de mine) dar trebuia s-o zic numai pentru a pune în balanta cu ceea ce adaug acum: tare rau îmi face sa te vad dansând asa "orientalische", nu stiu de ce. Esti asa de desteapta, dar nu pot sa suport sa vad românce facând asta. Cred ca sunt nitel nationalist, naiba sa ma ia, cred ca nu pun lucrurile în perspectiva ca lumea, nu stiu ce m-a apucat. Tot ce-mi vine sa spun (si simt cum mi se îngusteaza orizontul) e "Pacat". Stiu ca ai nevoie sa te simti feminina câteodata (ok, ok, esti f. f. sexy, e bine? quad erat demonstrandum, ok?) dar tare mult nu as vrea sa o (mai) faci. Stiu ca sunt "out of the track", ca-ti stârnesc iritare, ca ma crezi un încuiat, un retrograd, un ala, dar pleeeease, don't do it again. Nici nu stiu daca am scris la clipul respectiv, la cel cu dansul nu exista tabul "Comentarii", dar cred ca întelegi ca ma refer la replica ta cu Shakira. Uite, vezi cu ea nu-mi pasa ca da din fund, ma uit cu o încântare idiot masculina la ea, dar la tine nu-mi vine, desi te misti minunat (cred ca chiar mai feminin decât ea, care e un pic cam prea sportiva în tot ce face). Nu-mi dau seama ce ma apuca, cred ca trebuie sa ma caut nitel, dar asta e (ce româneste suna, stiu).
Tu trebuie sa-ti gasesti un baiat bun care sa te iubeasca tare (si n-ai decât sa dansezi apoi în fata lui cât vrei asa).
Necula (da, stiu si asta, suna un pic ca prea neaos).

Anonymous said...


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