Jun 5, 2011



  1. Din cate stiu eu , petitiile ajuta foarte mult . Intereseaza-te despre chestia asta .

  2. Stressing will not get you the visa.
    Sorry if I have missed something, but can't you provide a the details for the guarantor in Australia? At least it would be something to show you plan to be elsewhere.

  3. If I was in the position, I would give you a loan of a couple of thousand to boost your bank statement. But, I am just a student, great help. Don't you have enough of a community now for someone else to be willing to do this?

  4. Oh me... I thought you said Bulgaria had cleaner bitches for a second there and I was like "They have... cleaner... what?".
    And then I was like "...OHHHHHHH." and felt incredibly amused at my own stupidity. :P

  5. Have an American church arrange to bring you over for an attempted conversion. Tell them you want $50,000 plus expenses. I'll bet some of those celebrity preachers would jump at the chance.

  6. How about coming to the UK sometime. No visa stress, boost your travel rating and most of all we would love to see u in the UK

    @kinkytongue (on twitter)

  7. Although it is always nice to see you I think you have a greater purpose on youtube then to share you personal stuff with us.

  8. @Anonymous above:

    That's why I don't post these vlogs on youtube and I post them here, on my personal blog.

  9. *hug* Wish I could offer you any meaningful advice, but hell...I'm trying to get OUT of this country to spend some time in Finland, so I can come back and show my fellow Americans that things like socialized health care and strong regulation of industry are not the death of freedom. I hope your issues resolve and you are able to make the trip.

  10. Good luck =) I hope you get the U.S. visa.

  11. Sorry you're stressed. I hope everything works out... of course this is from a man who believe anything that could go wrong... will.
    What can I say. I've rarely suffered that loving/string cruel bitch slap from lady luck. Most of the times she just passes me by without even a mean look in her eye. So here's hoping lady luck looks your way.
    Vegas Baby! Yeah!

    So ( thanx for wathin'.) Bla Bla Bla...Bla.(click). That's how you end your vlog?
    It's good. I love it. It's short, sweet, cruel and to the point. It's still missing something. but you're close. Maybe a "Bitches" or a last kiss to the camera. That'll work.

    Bill ;p

  12. People who think that just because you're a public figure means you have no right to express your humanity really make me want to choke the fuck out of them.

  13. What a world.

    The USA puts up these kinds of stupid obstacles to those who simply want to visit this country LEGALLY, yet turns a blind eye to people crossing the border ILLEGALLY --and even rewards them with all the benefits supposedly reserved for only citizens. The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

    I sincerely hope they approve your visa, despite not having the "desirable" credentials. And I wish I could see you in Las Vegas, as we only live a little over an hour away, but --alas-- as mere university professors, we cannot afford the high cost of the conference.

    What a world.

  14. Stressing? Speak to the God Ja. She will calm you.- the Rasta man.

  15. I could suggest you try fucking your dogs but you need NOT to be stressed for that endeavour. It is actually very painful for the dog if you are in a bad mood. He perceives the whole thing is just out of selfishness and not out of sympathy for his troubles.

    But yeah, dear Criss, when you are a bit of your stress. Start licking one of your little dogs and see where it goes from there. Use honey if necessary.

  16. so you've never been out of the country, and suddenly you decide to visit 3 countries in 2 months?!

    did you win a jackpot? lol

  17. I don't get it. What would your financial situation have to do it? I've never applied for a VISA, but I did apply for a passport a few years ago. They only wanted me to prove my identity; there were no questions about debts or property holdings.

    It's all very strange. Is this part of the post-9/11 *craziness* that has gripped the US? You can hardly fly anywhere in north america without a dose of radiation or getting molested by a TSA agent. Most people accept this nonsense because they are excessively obedient (they are sheep).

    It's OK to want stuff sometimes, and be kinda crushed if you don't get it. To me that's normal human behavior. Best of luck!

  18. What? You're an American hater and you want to go to... Vegas?! The most superficial, vapid, and commercial spot in North America, perhaps the world. Well, that should encase your views in cement. Well anyway, good luck with your visa . But if you get the visa, and get the chance, please see somewhere else in the U.S. The Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, New York, Seattle, anywhere but Vegas. Vegas, ugh. AND Like the commentor Yanquetino said above, It's pretty rediculous that you are having a hard time with a visa, especially since there are about 16 - 20 million illegal immigrants in this country. No visa desired.

  19. Everything will be fine, Cristina.

  20. "There in the Simorgh's radiant face they saw
    Themselves, the Simorgh of the world - with awe
    They gazed, and dared at last to comprehend
    They were the Simorgh and the journey's end.
    They see the Simorgh - at themselves they stare,
    And see a second Simorgh standing there;
    They look at both and see the two are one,
    That this is that, that this, the goal is won.
    They ask (but inwardly; they make no sound)
    The meaning of these mysteries that confound
    Their puzzled ignorance - how is it true
    That 'we' is not distinguished here from 'you'?"

    Conference of the birds by Farid ud-Din Attar

  21. You say you feel insecure in the last video. No need to. You are beautiful.

  22. You're in the most "suspicious" category for an applicant: a young woman traveling alone. They always regard any visitor as a potential immigrant - besides the usual bureaucratic routine of looking for reasons to deny anything. But maybe if the regulars all contacted the US Embassy in Bucharest that would light some fires.

    Logs ME in as anonymous? HA!

  23. The previous poster brings up a good point. Besides the embassy, does anyone maybe know how to make an online petition to the embassy? AND on a side note, My comments always show up as "Anonymous". I try to sign in on google, I DO sign in. AND still I show up as "Anonymous". Does anyone have a hint why?

  24. we live in a discriminating globalised planet...this visa shit sucks (had a bad experience trying to invite a friend of mine from colombia to europe)

  25. Don't worry so much about the Australian visa. I live and work in Melbourne and only like half of the people here actually have Australian accents. We're big on foreign people coming here for business (though our policy on asylum seekers is stupid strict).

  26. When I get stressed sometimes I like to sing this song. Lyrics are great, and when I sing it, the pace just takes me out of the loop for a while. It is "Don't Forget to Breathe" by Alexi Murdoch:


    Hope it helps. :)

  27. Sorry, the name of the song is just "Breathe". I like the CD version better.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. My first dream is a girl beautiful and honest like you, no matter what she possess. But this capitalist world make this with us... I would like to know all the world too before I died, looks like I'm sutck in a country of corruption ( in Brazil). Anyway, people like you are survivers Criss and when or if I have any powers to change the world I wanna share with people like you. =)

  31. Adam McKee, when you are applying for a passport you are dealing with officials of your own country. To them, you are a citizen. When you are applying for a visa, you are dealing with officials of another country. To them, you are... See the difference?

  32. Hey,
    You're OK,
    You'll be fine
    Just Breathe.

  33. Unfortunate but somewhat understandable... Nowadays, Romanian 'visitors' tend to be gypsies, beggars, and thieves, and no one wants those in his country.

  34. lol, what talents do you have? Nickolodeon 90s 'humor' and vanity? what you have is a delusion. And belief your shitty yard and babblin' matters enough to record n share ....NOTHING like God.

  35. To Yanquentino,

    you're and idiot!
    PLENTY, if not all who enter legally, tend to remain here illegaly, there are laws and regulations which each person must meet in order to obtain visa . This chick has an advantage her country is in EU, so only thing stoppin her from getting it is her own laziness, and fact that she is 30 and in debt, just proves shes incapable of taking care of herself, therefore desiring to enter USA or any other country is her willing beyond her powers. Why would she be allowed to get an opportunity when she doesnt'even take care of her basic life needs where she lives? give me a fkn break.

  36. Frustrations all in my mind.Frustrations they won't let go.Frustrations I try to remain in control.Frustrations where do I go?Every single day I get stressed out.I try not to scream out.The rage thats inside of me,makes me become angry.I channel it through releasing stress.For its best to forget about the reality of life.Oh where can I find a wife?My dear soulmate you have to believe.God has a plan for you & me.I like to make movies with no expierence.What does it take to make an appearance?How can I get really paid to support the cause.I know,I create a fund raising event.SUCCESSION FOR PROGRESSION is the foundation of life.That seems to sound right.Somebody turn on the dam lights.

  37. Finally I just find someone capable of reasoning loud and clear with common sense! Greetings from Madrid Spain! Here you have a link to my website blogg: E SPECIAL PENTRU CITITORII DE LIMBA ROMANA...


    I hope somebody will enjoy it!!! Respect for all of you!
