Jun 4, 2011

I vlog on my blog or something

etc and such


  1. Y u no pwn religion?

  2. I think lots of people have to be in the zone to upload anything to YT. I know I do, which is not good since I've covered lots of stuff already and it's always harder to get in the zone when it comes to issues I've already discussed.

    The small dog was a riot just before he got his food. Keep doing these.

  3. i think these kinds of videos are fine, if you're worried about saying something wrong you can still review your footage and do some minor editing

    although some youtube videos from you is always welcome, maybe give yourself a little schedule (even just 1 per month) i know for more me having a goal like that motivates me

  4. How many times did you re-do this video? If you did all this on one take you came across wonderfully. The world is lucked to have you and your reason, logic, and adorable sense of humor (intentional or not) I can only hope you find the happiness/fulfillment you are searching for. I would love to make such blogs but like you hate my voice/looks/speech/Attention I think of you as an inspiration and you encourage me to be more vocal and brave about my thoughts, and not feel like "maybe its just me... What if I am the only one that feels this way?" I need you Cristina, the world needs you. You raise the standard for human behavior and its just all so... "Elegant"? More from you soon I hope!

  5. Well I think you're pretty awesome. Don't know if that helps. Hope it does.

  6. @ Abraham Ortiz

    When I said I usually have things cut out from my videos and sometimes have a few takes, I was talking about YouTube. I have absolutely no intention of doing the same thing with these vlogs, since the purpose is to work on not being so self-conscious about how I appear to others. Thanks for the nice words :)

  7. Hello Cristina.
    You're doing fine. Your English is a gazillion times better than my Romanian. Hell, your English is much better than some of my fellow Canadians can manage to gibber.
    Also, it is nice to see and hear you outside of Youtube mode. Like a nice personal touch that allows your viewers to get to know you a little better. As far as saying something you may regret later on, no biggie. If it's something you feel strongly about you can explain the situation. Your friends won't mind.
    Of course you will run into negative people, but don't take them to heart. If they are polite and fairly intelligent you may or may not care to engage them in a dialogue. If they are rude and ignorant, the hell with ém. Not worth bothering yourself about.
    You are wonderfully engaging and you are doing important work. When you feel down, know that there are a great number of people who hold you in high esteem and respect.
    Keep your spirits up.

  8. Let me get this straight, you are a Youtube star by making witty, incisive comments in addition to being hot and you're worried about being self-conscious? Bah! You have NOTHING to worry about.

    You hate your voice? Your voice is great! The Romanian accent is cute as the dickens.

    And as far as your looks go, two inappropriate words: Porn star.


  9. do you do any stuff in Romanian? i always find that there are too many English videos around, and not so many in other languages ...

  10. Keep doing 'em. Keep daring to be you.

  11. I enjoy your vids.You remind me that we are really all the same, more or less. I was talking to a Palestinian recently whose lives in the US talking about how different cultures in the world are so different, but people are the same. I Vlove your Vlogs:)

  12. Yeah I tend to meander in my thoughts. I have been thinking of making one of these... I guess I just keep waiting for more stuff to be happening with me before I do. But I guess if you feel this will help you personally (to do these videos) then do it!.

  13. Haven't we all felt the need to fuck dogs once in a while in our lives? I think so, yes. I think there's a double standard on society that rots the basic means needed for a peaceful community between humans. I mean, think about it... if a woman decides to fuck a dog, it turns out to be sweet, sensitive and adorable for the the veritable part of the population. If a boy does it, it is perceived as wicked, loathsome, horrendous and atrocious. An action that needs to be corrected since it is vile and purposeless.

    What is that?

    I think society puts us men in the most heart-crushing dilemmas everyday. On one hand, you could love your puppy relentlessly, as it truly deserves to be loved. But on the other hand, you would be viewed as this "Dogfuckers" society tends to frown upon. Where do we draw the line, dear Criss?? Please tell me...

  14. Oh, to answer your question: I think this is a fine exercise and there's nothing really to hold against you. No worries there. Also, what I should have said is that your self-consciousness is not rational, even if it is a very real emotion. You have so much more on the ball than most people, if you'll pardon the baseball analogy. On the other hand, I think it's your tendency to question that makes you such an interesting thinker. So you may actually want to avoid too much self-confidence. Having said that, I feel that I must also note that egoism is a whale of a lot of fun and that your average conceited sociopath probably gets a lot more out of life than the average slob.

    I get it completely that you have to be in a certain place to do one of your Youtube videos. The mind often gets around to stuff when it wants to and to hell with the ostensible owner.

  15. Fun video, Thanx. And yes, please do more.
    ............the Best, MARK

  16. I like lazy vlogs. I think a Standard open and/or close can give a lazy vlog something extra and still not take away from the idea that this is just you being your self for a few short minutes on the interwebs.
    Most of the vlogs I watch are done 2-3 days a week. you can touch on your day... one or two topics that you happen to be in the middle of. a book, a movie, planning a trip, going shopping. The idea is to not put to much into it, and keep it short and sexy.
    Don't forget the Sexy.

  17. I think it is very admirable and courageous that you post so honest and open material. Your wish of working on yourself and improving yourself is equally admirable. It is a pleasure to see it and I find it very interesting. Thank you for sharing. :)

  18. Vlogs are good as well, just as well as videos.

  19. How come she has and accent and her cat does not? Well, maybe the cat does. I don't know. I don't really speak cat.

  20. Well. I'm not really a fan. So I don't know if my advice will be appreciated but... venting's great but do you really want to blur the line between your youtube persona and your personal life. You've already done that to some extent, but once that line disappears, it may be very difficult to re-draw it. Perhaps more difficult than you wish.

  21. K....if you reach out and ask JESUS to heal your brother HE will...I know you are of a different opinion..but seriously...if you ask HIM,HE will deliver.I have experienced this!....Let the love for your brother atleast allow you to ask.
    I pray that When he is healed your testimony will have the greatest influence on your followers...You may post this if you want OR not but above all seek JESUS..I am pleading with...you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

  22. Your vlog entries are good by themselves, if they bring you closer to making peace with yourself and creating a youtube video they are great. You obviously are trying to expose yourself as a human being to run away from authority of your reason-dominated videos. I personally can't see any need for this, there is enough human you in your YT vids, but if you care so be it.

    PS: Also christian death-eater above gurgles with shit.

  23. Still... We miss you on youtube ;( The atheist flamewar is toning down (cough* coughlan cough*). Come back with a word of wisdom to unite us all over again.

  24. I'm not sure what the laws are like in your country but I don't think you have too much to worry about when it comes to saying things you may later regret. you aren't making pr0n or speaking out against your government, although I do understand any concerns you may have about religious zealots who could want to harm you. I would suggest you keep your location and identity top-secret. Even if your information is well-known I still believe that your risk of harm is fairly low. Once you reach 20,000 followers I would suggest that you become far more concerned.

    Your art and philosophy are a crucial way of expressing yourself and i believe it would be hard for you to turn back at this point. If you are concerned about crazy people, then I suggest you just change the subject. Talk about something else and keep practicing and you will find something else to talk about that people like to hear. It's the same thing talk radio hosts do. They just keep talking until they find a subject that gets the interest of the listeners and they develop a sense for what accomplishes their goal over time.

  25. You should do whatever makes you happy. Dont care about what other people think, or say. Its your life and your the one living it.
    I personally like seeing you like this, it makes me see a real person and not just someone on youtube talking about a politics.

  26. I enjoyed watching this video so I hope you continue to make more informal videos (and formal youtube videos). I now live in university housing and I am not allowed to have pets. So I am living vicariously through your videos =) I also enjoy learning more about how you think and live. Your rants are fun =)

  27. Vulnerable works; when it's authentic with a bare minimum of whiny. So far, some good introspection.
    Don't give "sexy" much thought. Your features are well-balanced and earthy; even when you were looking bad you looked good. It's your mind, your natural wit, your keen sense of irony, your courage, the fact that you choose to care---these don't ever have to leave you, these will continue to make you appealing. And sexy.

    Regards, LA

    ps:I'm impressed with your ability to think in English. Grammar tip: "I'm distracted so EASILY." Also, it wouldn't hurt if you stopped saying "shit".

  28. If it's therapeutic you should do it more often :)

  29. To vlog on your blo beats flogging on your log. Or something like that. :D

  30. wow i cant believe that you get self conscious! whenever i watch your videos i wish i was as beautiful and outspoken as you! you definitely don't need to be because i think you're totally awesome :)

  31. It´s not a flaw Criss, we´re all human. Leave that exigence of perfecion and sing a FUCK YOU sometimes. You have to be the best for you not for the others!!!

    Love and Hugs,
    Claudio Lima

  32. I've actually spent time asking myself what it is about your YouTube content that makes me like it so much.
    One of the things I have admired is the way you edit your videos.
    Some of other things can even lead me to the conclusion that you are probably a very nice person.
    These new type of videos may well help you develope your skills in your "normal", YouTube, produktion.
    They also increase, by my estimation, the probabillity that you are a very nice person.

  33. Your friends are right about protecting yourself. I know you're doing these vlogs to force yourself not to be so self-conscious and edit so much, but maybe you can compromise. Just watch the vlog before you upload it and check to make sure you're not showing/saying anything you shouldn't be. Maybe you can have a friend check it too.

  34. It sounds like you do YT for others but want to do these for yourself. That's fine. If you find value in something, no one can take it away--obviously, because you found it.

    And no one should feel bad about finding value, be it for themselves or others. I is you is me :)

  35. I'm subscribed to you on YouTube, and because I like you and your videos, these vlogs are actually really nice and interesting to watch.

  36. Cris, I think making relaxed, conversational videos is a good exercise for you to help you to feel really comfortable, and to help you to be less self-critical. We think you're terrific... you're smart, interesting, thoughtful, and a nice person! All best wishes to you! :)

  37. I say keep doing it, there are people who won't like it and you may say something you regret but that's for that time.
    You seem to enjoy making them, and we enjoy watching them :)

  38. By the way, I love the accent ;)

  39. I love it when you play with your hair :)

    You need to stop being so hard on yourself. You're brilliant and beautiful, two things I wish I was.

    I think with these vlogs, just steer clear of the 'big' issues, and you'll be fine. Don't advertise them too much on YT, then only people who enjoy your videos and viewpoints are likely to watch them.

    So many people admire you, don't forget that :)

  40. K-rina you are a prime example of how to be a positive role model in life.Thank you so much for helping me.I will never forget you.I will always hold your perspective insight close to my heart.Always your friend.Casper The Ghost.Agent 9TT.Ken-Dog.ETC.

  41. Rob_dell79@yahoo.comFebruary 5, 2013 at 11:33 AM

    Videos like this with so much personal info are doubled edged. On one side, I love it. I sadly will never meet you and enjoy your company, but these videos allow me a tiny sprinkle of seeing your angelic face and hearing your beautiful voice. On the other hand, you may think "Ughh, these videos allow internet creeps like this guy to see into my private life!". Which it does. It may even set you up for something terrible from a creep or the government. You never know. At the risk of cutting off my only connection with you, I would rather you remain safe. Maybe stop showing your homes inside or out. Even that beach in your video montage set to the Beetles song. I get teary-eyed every time I see it. It's like watching a video of a loved-one who you lost in some terrible tragedy and you will never see them again. So, yeah, cut back the intimacy and be safe (safer).XOXOXO
