Jul 6, 2011

Dude, where's my boobz ?

This was supposed to go up a couple days ago but my internet is being an asshole.


  1. A German speaking sugar jar :>

  2. I was looking through the entire thing waiting for you to talk about Game of Thrones, and then I was dissapointed :(
    But awesome for you that everything is going great.

  3. Im on the 4th book of Game of Thrones and have the 5th prordered on Amazon. I suggest to everyone they read the books. Missing boobz definitely counts as a health issue by the way.

  4. You may not get to have sex in Nevada, but when you go thru the TSA security checkpoint you will be thoroughly groped. BTW where are your boobz?

  5. I think the largest factor in your favor when you applied for the visa is that you come across as a very nice, funny, smart, decent human being. I bet the guy who interviewed you went and watched all your YouTube videos after he got done with work!

    Wish I could come meet you in Vegas, but I hate flying! :-)

  6. The dog is so funny. He experienced the same thing as you did before with the air remember?lol Congrats on the visa and everything. Have fun!

  7. do you download your Game of Thrones from legal sites? dun dun dun...

    it's not on tv where I am so torrents ftw.

  8. you should start a cooking show, you`re really good at it. really happy for you going to vegas, wish i could be there, oh well. I hope you have a nice time in vegas. im sure you`ll do very well.

  9. That's some fancy lookin' potato salad :) mmmm

  10. Yet, they will let illegals from Mexico just sit around in parking lots and wander all around the country unchecked... go figure

  11. you are lucky that the US Embassys are under the State Department headed by godless heathen democrat leaders like Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama. Under Bush you would have gotten a fundamentalist christian, because those jobs under republican administration were given out based on political affiliation.

    but enough cynicism, YAY for your visa! i bet the guy who interviewed you knew bill nye, every american 80s-90s kid knows Bill Nye The Science Guy :). we watched nothing but bill nye videos in science class, because our teachers were either unqualified or just plain lazy.

  12. Lots of Romanian strippers get into Canada . . . I'd like to take you for a spin.

  13. Gosh, you're turning into a crazy bird lady :P

  14. Bon Vogage mon cher

  15. Yay for Cris in America! We need more people like you!! :) Las Vegas is fun, but I hope you get to see more of the USA... it's a big country, with a lot of cool places to visit! If you come to San Francisco, California I'd love to be your tour guide.

  16. I am starting to think the adult birds are purposely kicking their hatchlings out of the nest so you will feed them =) Isn’t there a bird that hides it’s eggs in another birds nest to trick them into hatching and feeding them?

    Oh that potato salad looked really good, wish I could cook but I lack the secret ingredient (cat under table).

    --Bill Clabough

  17. too long, didn't read version is basically:

    Dress and act like you're taking it seriously.

    At least make an effort to learn some English as a sign of good will (it sounded like its the effort thats appreciated).

    Don't lie.

    I will keep this in mind.

  18. Who will look after the birds when you are away?

  19. Congratulations Cristina!

    I'm sure you will have a great time meeting all those great minds.
    Just be careful when you take the elevator in the night ;-)

  20. We call the olive seed a "pit" in English. The olives as you showed them, without the "pit," are called "pitted" olives. Most common in US are green olives, pitted, with a pimento (little red thing) inside. My best friend lives in Finland, so I am used to explaining these little things.

  21. You forgot to tell your visa inteviewer how you believe that the United States is a facist colonial empire. Oh, you didn't forget. You just ommited that part.

  22. @Billy Clabough
    Yup, cuckoo birds do that.

  23. Would you mind telling me the amounts for the ingredients in your potato salad? It sounds good, and I want to try it, but without the amounts, I can really mess a recipe up. Also, what did you put in the water?

  24. I know Bill Nye too. My Canadian teacher shows us those videos.

  25. Why don't you let the birds die? Nature sentenced them to death, and who are you to question nature's wisdom, right?

    (Yes, this is sarcasm. Deathists are such hypocrites).

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. a.) I have an irrational nerd crush on you... I think. Your understanding of the cat rules makes you pretty damn cool, too, but don't worry, it's just a simple, temporary thing. Probably.

    b.) Check your camera's auto focus. That's probably what's causing the view to go in and out of focus. The camera attempts to focus on the closeness of the bird, and / or its dark color against the white background.

    I laughed at the sudden rain. :(

    Woa, cat under the table. Bonus points? I think so.

    I shall have to try this way of boiling potatoes. I probably should have thought of this myself, but I didn't.

    Good luck with the birds.

    (the previous post was deleted due to a small, but significant typo... and I also somehow failed to say congrats on getting the visa, so congrats!)

  28. ..your 'boobz'?

    at plastic surgeons' office.

  29. A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

  30. I don't get why they only chose the clean, proper Romanians. It seems if they invite foreigners into the country they should pick the unstable, nasty ones to make us look good. Oh, and you should make a vlog when you get here.

  31. Can I lead the search party? I think I know where they are cos I've just seen a couple of clues at Pharyngula.

    Your internet does not have anywhere near the suction power of mine. My crappy little 3g modem says 'pahdunk' every five minutes. Be thankful you can actually post videos too long for me to view. I don't rank highly enough in the Evil Patriarchy Command Structure for a new modem so I have to put up with this one.

  32. It's so cool you got a visa to come over here. It's so stressful. Some of my friends still haven't been allowed to visit. I love your videos. You are adorable. I hope your visit here is really great!

  33. booo, you said your natural hair was blonde, here you can see your roots are dark :(

  34. move your jaw when you speak, I can't understand ! unless you're FAS......then, sorry.

  35. so...you went to usa for TAM, and all you brought back is giggles with youtubers ? Where is TAM stuff, if you were there?


  36. I saw your video on youtube and liked it. I am Brazilian and would like to talk to you in Windows Live (MSN), if possible. Could add me to discuss about religion? P. S. I am an atheist!

  37. Holy shit your married your husband is one lucky bastard

  38. Dude, wheres a new blog?

  39. Oh Cristina, all you have to do is ask and you will have 1000 cameras mailed to you from all over the world. No worries.

  40. olive "pips" steamed potatoes are yum

  41. Nu mai raspunzi la commenturi?
    Ce mai faci? Mai traiesti?

  42. Play Count of We didn't start the fire since I watched this video...47...curse you...curse you and the catchy song you got stuck in your head.

  43. lol i was searching for the 'like' button
    anyway its 5 o clock in the morning so peace out
    and keep doing what you are doing.


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    I hope somebody will enjoy it!!! Respect for all of you!

  46. Cant see'm.
    Dude, where's my bodacious?
